Monday, February 27, 2012

Some tips to enhance your photos on Etsy

When I started my etsy page, two years ago, I had no idea how important it is to have a pretty clear and understandable picture. in the first year I did not pay attention and my sales were very bad, in the second year I started to do more and more changes into the  photography and I started to go much better and finally  this year put pictures that I love and my sales increased 20%.
First tip is to Have a really good camera, I recommend spending a little extra deep in a good camera it would make a huge diference in the end.
Second, buy a white box for photography. I got one online for $ 20 that comes with the lights and a cute to go box. A white box is very important if you need to take pictures up close, especially for jewelry or small things.
  If you have a chance to get a  model would help a lot too. Is really good take pictures with people, customers want to see how would they look with your product.
Third, use simple background, I recommend white because I like to use an app that enhances photos with white background.
fourth, retouch you photos, download  a program for your computer that will be easy,there are so many, I use Picasa or Iphoto there both really good. change the light, shadow, contrast, try and play to find the photo you love.
Fift, after I upload my photos to etsy I use the app is amazing how well it makes my pictures look, I recommend it to anyone who uses a white background in your photos.
I hope these tips where helpful.

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