Sunday, April 1, 2012

Celebrate spring with this amazing Necklace

A flower touch, pastel colors, the felling of spring, rustic, romantic and a little bit of vintage make this Necklace a perfect mach for the season.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Some tips to enhance your photos on Etsy

When I started my etsy page, two years ago, I had no idea how important it is to have a pretty clear and understandable picture. in the first year I did not pay attention and my sales were very bad, in the second year I started to do more and more changes into the  photography and I started to go much better and finally  this year put pictures that I love and my sales increased 20%.
First tip is to Have a really good camera, I recommend spending a little extra deep in a good camera it would make a huge diference in the end.
Second, buy a white box for photography. I got one online for $ 20 that comes with the lights and a cute to go box. A white box is very important if you need to take pictures up close, especially for jewelry or small things.
  If you have a chance to get a  model would help a lot too. Is really good take pictures with people, customers want to see how would they look with your product.
Third, use simple background, I recommend white because I like to use an app that enhances photos with white background.
fourth, retouch you photos, download  a program for your computer that will be easy,there are so many, I use Picasa or Iphoto there both really good. change the light, shadow, contrast, try and play to find the photo you love.
Fift, after I upload my photos to etsy I use the app is amazing how well it makes my pictures look, I recommend it to anyone who uses a white background in your photos.
I hope these tips where helpful.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What's Cooking?

Well it's time to make a lot of anklets! because the summer is coming!!!

Unique copper necklace

My latest bracelet

Fighting with the double life

It has been many years since my passion is to cook, I take twelve years in the industry and my career since then has gone from better to better and now I am employed at a very good restaurant as an executive Chef. 
But my pasion to create does not end this way and obviously the cooking is not enough, the creativity in a professional kitchen sometimes softens when one relaxes or get distracted with the daily thing. So I always painted, i drew, i gardened, I wrote, and more other things in my free time, wich is never enough. 
Then, two years ago I began making jewelry and could not stop, and the craziest thing is that for the first time since I invoke to the art I interfere also in the sale of the product, and every time i was doing better and better, I started by selling in fairs, to the well-known people, then I opened my shop in Etsy and at first it was not selling very much but with time thinks when better and now im not doing great but i see that is a lot of potencial if I had the time to make it happen. 
And now here I am, in the quandary of devoting myself full steal to my jewelry shop, and shooting to the garbage all my years of cook, to devote myself to my new and real passion. and to stake everything, because it would be to start form zero, it would be to remain at home and every day to devote myself to exhibit and sell my art while I make it. 
A sleep dream that perhaps it is possible to make real.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Great Etsy artisans

My passion is color, texture and flavor.
My designs are limited edition and one of a kind, they show personality which makes them so special, every piece of work is a piece of art that would last for generations and share unique moments.
I love using a variety of materials and techniques that would give a simple piece its unique character and exotic look
My latest bracelet